Upon saying his farewell to His apostles, Jesus gave His new Church the task to evangelize, that is, to bring the message of the Gospel to all the worlds (Acts 1:8)
Parish Faith Formation programs assist in this sacred duty by providing opportunities for parents and children to develop their prayer lives and their formal understanding of faith.
For it’s part, Our Lady Queen of Peace promises to offer education to foster our understanding of our Catholic faith.
We offer Faith Formation programs in both English and Spanish. Faith Formation programs are available for children and teens enrolled in 1st grade through high school, and adults through the RCIA program.
The Gift of Faith, which beings at Baptism, must be nourished throughout the entire life of each Christian. The family is rightfully called the “domestic church” and, as such, is the foundation of the wider church community. Religious Education / Faith Formation and Youth Ministry within the Diocese of St. Petersburg serves all the domestic church by offering the guidance and instruction whereby each individual can come to his/her full potential as members of the People of God. Sincere cooperation between the parish and member families will bring about the goal of evangelizing youth and children: that they grow in understanding and accepting Catholic Doctrine through their active participation, through their awareness of Catholic Liturgical and Sacramental Life, through embracing of the fundamental principles of Catholic Morality and through active life of Catholic Prayer. (The Catechism of the Catholic Church)